Sunday, 6 September 2015

overcoming adversity

 i know i dont post very much any more, i have just been really busy. but im going to try and get back into blogging every day again. or atleast as often as i can.

Adversity can be seen as a series of difficulties or misfortunes that stop you from achieving your goals and finding happiness. 
You might think that all of the advice about adversity is easier said than done, but in reality, you can overcome it if you have the right attitude and take the right step's in order to get to the place you want to be.

Don't let your past dictate your future!!
There are a number of ways that your past may get in the way your future. Maybe you're trying to be an actress but you haven't been called back after your auditions; don't let this make you think you'll never get called back in the future.  different opportunities will come around and things change in time.
make sure you Focus on what's ahead of you, and also on achieving what you want to achieve no matter your past.   
even if you have had a difficult past it could make a successful future even more rewarding. You may not appreciate your success in business, acting, singing, teaching,nursing etc, if you get the success you wanted after the first try, because it would of been to easy to get there and you wouldn't of experienced any of the challenges.

Focus on the positive things!!
the last thing you want to do after setbacks or a general feeling of hopelessness is to think positivity, If you want to overcome adversity, then you have to focus on the positive, whether it means the positive aspects of your situation, or the positive results you'll feel if you achieve what you want in the future. 
Make a list of all of the good things/blessings in your life, or all of the good things you may have to look forward to, and you'll see that there's more to be happy about than you think
also dont wait until you achieve the goal to be happy, start building up your happiness now.

know that your not alone
Another thing is that you need to know adversity happens to everyone. 
some people have to face more adversity than others, but that doesn't mean that you can't accept your share and work against it as much as you can. Instead of denying that you're struggling, feeling like it's not really happening or that you can run away from the conflict, you should be able to accept adversity into your life if you want to be able to live it.

twitter: @NorthyHarto
instagram: @itz_laura99
snapchat: lauranothy
spotify: northyharto

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